How To Start a Company With Your Spouse And Save Your Marriage
Marriage is difficult. But going into business with your spouse adds a layer of complexity: Cofounder strain impacts your marriage and marital challenges impact your business.
Here’s how to sustain success and support in both.

How To Find a Cofounder: Ask These 20 Revealing Questions
These psychological questions will help you better understand each other and better determine goodness of fit.
While a dating app may be nice, the next best thing is a good, old fashioned interview. Here are the top 20 questions you need to be asking to determine if your personalities and vision align.

This Key Psychological Insight Immediately Improves Your Cofounder Relationship
Discover how attachment styles impact your communication and can lead to more effective interactions within your organization.
This article reviews key tenants of Attachment theory to help you identify the patterns in your cofounder relationship. In learning more about attachment, you’ll learn what needs to change to foster clearer communication.

Frustrated And Outperforming Your Cofounder?
Follow these four simple steps to increase teamwork and improve performance.
Cofounder relationships can make or break your startup. These complex relationships set the foundation for your entire business, create its culture, and determine its ceiling.
As the most vital relationship in the business and often the one under the most strain, it’s important that it feel equitable.

12 Surprising Strategies To Streamline Cofounder Communication
A step-by-step guide to improve cofounder decision-making and reach purposeful alignment, according to a cofounder psychologist.
This article includes recommendations and techniques I often offer to clients wanting to streamline their communication.

The Telltale Signs of a Toxic Cofounder Relationship
How to know if your business relationship is doomed, according to decades of psychological research.
Co-founder relationships are unique. They come in many different forms, each with distinctive strengths and stressors.
Read this article to learn whether your cofounder conflict is beyond repair (and what needs to change to fix it).

8 Simple Strategies for Founders To Improve Startup Culture
Here’s what psychologists implement to improve team cohesion and maximize productivity.
These simple strategies will help founders establish a healthy startup culture.

How To Start a Company With Your Best Friend And Save Your Friendship
Going to war together — when done correctly — can build closeness rather than resentment with your friend, but it requires healthy boundaries and scalable habits.
Here’s how to leverage your friendship to create a healthy business partnership.